Ultimate Tic tac toe

2019-12-07 on Clojure, Reagent, React, Game

Long time I wanted to try React and did it finally at the end of 2015. Because I don't like Javascript I decided for Clojurescript. I was impressed by simplicity of the language and framework as well. I wrote a little game you can play here. Computer is not too strong, so you have quite a big chance of winning.

I liked that the standard library was immutable in contrast with Scala where there is quite a bit of mutable state. And the `lens` functions to work with deep data structures like (assoc-in m [k & ks] v) or (update-in m ks f & args). I also liked the idea of single atom, single mutable reference to store all application state.

Code is very simple and it is basically a single file.